Monday, April 6, 2009

8 Weeks 5 days

So I am feeling quite tired and nauseated most of the day. I started taking B6 vitamins for nausea, and I think it is helping. Trying to find things to eat that sound good. Breakfast: cereal and a banana. Snack: Ritz crackers. Lunch: mac and cheese. Snack: 2 apples (oooh the first one was just so good!). Dinner: cocoa wheats and toast. Bedtime snack: ???? I thought I could do mind over matter when it comes to healthy foods, but now I have realized that I have to give the belly what it wants. Otherwise it might just come back up. I am detesting all red meat, seafood, and all strong smells/flavors. I prefer fruit, baked potatoes, pasta, sweets. I crave sleep more than anything. I am working on increasing my calories and rest times. I hopefully will regain enough time to exercise soon. Work has been outrageously busy with travel and computer problems! I go to the ob nurse educator this Friday. Should be interesting. I have also been having crazy dreams every night. I believe it is related to all the hormones. Here is the picture from the 7 week 5 day ultrasound. At the ultrasound we saw heartbeat. Baby was upside down, and it wasn't until I turned the picture upside down that I was able to make out the baby. Therefore, I scanned the picture upside down so you could see it better too. I am thinking it is a girl, but who knows.

1 comment:

lindsay said...

Your guessing the sex already!! Hehe...I'm interested to see how many times your gonna change your guess...:)